Cookie policy.
A cookie is a small packet of information sent by a website you visit and stored on your computer. This stores your preferences and other settings, making the website easier to use the next time you visit it.
Cookies Used
Necessary Cookies
These cookies are required for you to be able to access the full functionality of our site, including contact forms, shopping cart and payment processing.
If certain parts of the website aren’t working, please ensure you have these cookies enabled.
Performance Cookies
These cookies allow us to assess the number of visitors to the website and what products are viewed.
Functionality Cookies
These cookies store your preferences and other personalisation options your have selected.
Targeting Cookies
These cookies record your visit, what pages are visited. We use this data to provide a better user experience and improve the relevancy of the information provided to you.
Removing Cookies
You can block or remove cookies using your browser settings, information on how to do this can be found via your search feature.
Please note that if you do block all cookies, this may make our website no longer function properly for you, including stopping you searching or shopping on the website. This can be rectified by re-enabling cookies and pressing ‘accept’ on our website.